Actually, the original recipe from Manado, the capital city of North Sulawesi, Indonesia call Cakalang (Skipjack Tuna). But since I already drooled and were in rush to cook, so I changed it with my sardines in can. This side dish will do very yummy with warm rice. Be careful, maybe you will ask more rice and ... water! hmm, it's hot & spicy!! just perfect as I imagine it.
Here we go with the original recipe :
Cakalang Pampis source :
Bahan (ingredients) :
1 ekor ikan cakalang/tongkol (cakalang/skipjack tuna)
5 bh bawang merah (shallots)
2 siung bawang putih (garlics)
1 ruas jahe (about 2 cm ginger)
15 bh cabe rawit (bird chili)
5 bh cabe merah (red chili)
¼ ltr minyak kelapa, untuk menumis (vegetable oil for saute)
Garam secukupnya (salt)
Sereh secukupnya (lemongrass)
Daun bawang secukupnya (spring onion)
Cara membuat (direction) :
· Ikan cakalang dibersihkan, dikukus lalu dibersihkan dari tulang-tulangnya, lalu ikannya disuir-suir.
(steam the fish,remove the bones,cut into small piece)
· Bawang merah, bawang putih, jahe, cabe rawit, cabe merah semuanya dihaluskan.
(make into paste helped by your food processor or mortar & pestle : shallots,garlic,ginger,chili)
Sereh dimemarkan, daun bawang diiris tipis-tipis.
(crush the lemongrass, finely chop the spring onion)
· Bumbu yang telah dihaluskan ditumis hingga harum, lalu tambahkan sereh, daun bawang.
(saute paste ingredients until fragrant, add in lemongrass and spring onion)
(add in the fish,stir it well and cook until dry. remove from pan)
2 commentaires:
alo, found your blog from tastespotting. great to see ada org indo yg tinggal di france. and your daughter is adorable!
keep up the blog especially the indo food!! ada resep buat bakwan jagung ga?? heheh thanks!
alo juga...thanks for visiting and your notes :)
yap, will do, promote Indonesian Food. hmm,bakwan jagung pernah buat tp blm pernah difoto krn habis dimakan duluan :p ok deh,ntar klo buat lagi ya...
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