lundi 27 avril 2009
Es Teler (Cold Dessert)
I don't know for how many months I didn't drink this ice. This ice made from coconut milk, coco pandan syrup, condensed milk and contain of fruits (usually we use avocado,young coconut). I often buy avocado for my little daughter every time I go to supermarket. After I saw Jack fruit in a can at Asia Market, then I realized, hey...I can make Es Teler from it. Continued my searching, I found Durian and young frozen coconut. Ok, those were enough to make a delicious dessert. plus i still had tapioca pearl and some mango.
And don't ask me why Indonesian people name it Es Teler...If I can translate by word, ES means Ice and Teler means Drunk. Maybe, just my opinion, after you drink this ice, you will drunk since it's so addicted :)) just try it!
It's spring here in French...I like it a lot...the weather slightly hotter and all the flowers in my terrace are blossom out so I can take a picture outside with the flowers as background. lovely, isn't it?
Es Teler
for 3-4 persons
1/2 can of lyche
1/2 can of jackfruit , cut it square
1 ripe avocado, cut it square
1/4 mango, cut it square young coconut pulpe (i used frozen,1/4 pack of 450gr)
1 handfull of tapioca pearl, boil in the water until done, drain
durian (i used frozen durian about 3 pieces) ------------ if you don't like durian, you may skip it
150 cc of coconut milk mix with 200 cc of water & sugar depend on your taste bud
sweet condensed milk framboze syrup (or cocopandan ---> recommended)
how to :
- boil coconut milk,water and sugar. keep stiring, don't let the coconut milk lost its consistency.
- prepare all the fruits in a large bowl. add tapioca pearl and young coconut.
- mix coconut milk and fruits mix. stir in milk, syrup and don't forget to taste it. it's really depend on your taste. if you like it sweet then add more milk or sugar.
- cool it in refrigerator. add some ice cube just before serving.
I participate my first photo for Click April 2009 - Spring/Fall, hosted by Jugalbandi.
vendredi 24 avril 2009
Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil
Setelah 2 kali absen ngga ikutan Masak Bareng Yuuk!! kali ini ikuta lagi aahhh...Tema edisi April kali ini adalah Jajan Pasar Berbahan Dasar Beras. Mbak-mbak foodie blogger; Ayin, Shinta dan Dheeta yang selalu setia mengomandoi event ini. Aku termasuk ngefans dan pengunjung setia blog-blog mereka lho...
Jajanan pasar yang aku pilih kali ini untuk disetor ke Masbar adalah Lemper Ayam. Hasil ngiler berat ngliat di rumahnya Mbak Rachmah. Beneran deh..habis ngliat, hari Sabtu aku langsung belanja beli beras ketan dan bumbu-bumbu yang kurang ke Asia Supermarché langganan, trus hari Selasa baru kesampean mbikin. Sebetulnya resep aslinya pakai kemangi, tapi berhubung di sini ga nemu kemangi, aku ganti dengan daun Basil saja, makanya namanya tak ganti dikit jadi Lemper Ayam Bumbu Basil. Tetep enak sih..walaupun ngga seenak kalau pakai kemangi. Beda aja gitu harumnya...oia, separuh adonan aku isi abon dan serundeng trus dicetak di cetakan brioche spesial untuk ayah yang gak makan ayam.
Yuk deh, kita liat resepnya yang kucontek dari Mbak Rachmah (thanks berats yoo..)
Lemper Ayam Bumbu Kemangi (stuffed glutinous rice)
By : Rachmah Setyawati
Ingredients :
1/2 kg beras ketan putih, rendam 1/2 jam (glutinous rice, soak in water about 30 minutes)
350-400 cc santan encer mentah (light coconut milk : you can get it by mixing 50% coconut milk and 50% of water)
1 batang serai (lemon grass)
Isi : / Filling :
350 gr daging ayam, rebus, tiriskan, suwir-suwir agak halus ( chicken fillet, cook in the boiling water, drain & cut thinly)
2 ikat daun kemangi segar, cincang kasar ----------- (tanti: ganti dengan daun basil)
(basil leaves, chopped)
Bumbu halus : (paste ingredients)
5 siung bawang merah (shallot)
4 siung bawang putih (garlic)
5 butir kemiri (candle nut)
rempah lainnya / other spices :
sedikit kunyit (turmeric powder) --------------(tanti : tidak pakai)
1/4 sdt jinten bubuk (fennel) ----------(tanti : tidak pakai)
1/4 sdt ketumbar bubuk (coriander powder)
1 batang serai (lemon grass)
2 buah daun jeruk (lemon/kafir leaves)
1 buah daun salam (bay leaves)
1/4 sdt garam halus (salt) -------------(tanti : tidak pakai)
100 cc santan encer mentah (light coconut milk)
1/8 sdt gula pasir (sugar)
note : 'sdt' means coffe/tea spoon
Directions :
1. Kukus beras ketan putih selama 10 menit. Angkat. Ambil ketan, letakkan pada baskom.
wash the rice, drain, steam in a steamer for 10 min. remove, and put in a bowl.
2. Panaskan santan encer dan garam serta serai, matikan api, tuang larutan santan panas ke dalam ketan yang telah dikukus, aduk-aduk.
heat the coconut milk, salt and lemon grass. turn off the stove, pour the hot coconut into the rice, stir well.
3. Panaskan kembali kukusan, lalu kukus kembali ketan tadi hingga matang, kurang lebih 30 menit.
heat the steamer and steam again the rice until done, more or less 30 min.
4. Isi : tumis bumbu halus beserta bumbu rempah lainnya hingga harum, masukkan ayam suwir, aduk rata. Tuang santan encer, aduk lagi, bubuhi garam & gula, cicipi. Jika rasa sudah pas, aduk rata, menjelang diangkat, masukkan daun kemangi cincang, matikan api, aduk-aduk rata selagi panas. Sisihkan.
the filling :
stir fry the paste and other spices until it fragrance, add in the chicken, stir well.
pour in coconut milk, salt and sugar, taste it. if you think it's enough, stir well and just before you remove the pan, add in basil leaves, stir. set aside.
5. Ambil dua sendok makan adonan ketan matang, kepal-kepal di selembar plastik, pipihkan, isi dengan satu sendok makan ayam suwir, tutup isian dengan merapatkan kembali adonan ketan. Kepal-kepal bentuk lonjong. Bungkus rapat dengan daun pisang.
finishing : take 2 tablespoon of rice, on a plastic, make a round shape. flatten and fill with 1 tablespoon of chicken filling and close it and make the round shape again. wrap with banana leaves.
Note : cara yg aku pakai untuk no 2 dst : (my way for finishing)
ketan yang telah dikukus, dimasak dengan santan, garam dan serai hingga santan terserap habis oleh ketan.
(see step no.2, I used the following step: )
I cooked the steamed rice with the coconut oil,salt and lemon grass until the coconut milk absorbed by the rice, set aside.
taruh separuh adonan ketan di dalam loyang, ratakan. taruh adonan isi di atasnya, ratakan. tutup dengan separuh adonan ketan sisa, ratakan. kukus sampai matang.
flatten half of rice in a baking pan/pyrex, layer with chicken filling. cover with the rest of rice, press and flatten.steam until done.
setelah dingin, potong-potong persegi panjang, bungkus bagian tengahnya saja dengan alumunium foil (lihat hasilnya di foto)
let it cool. cut in square shape, wrape the middle part with alu foil (see the pic)
Hasil jadi : 20 buah lemper uk. sedang
result : 20 pieces,medium size
Cupcake Au Chocolat
My first trial of cupcake plus the decoration. It wasn't so difficult! So many time I spent for browsing and adoring others cupcakes made me step forward, go to the kitchen and try...:) I finally did it!
Here is the recipe (in French) It's simple yet delicious.
Cupcake au chocolat
source : Papilles et Pupilles
- 3 oeufs
- 100g de beurre mou
- 125g de sucre
- 160g de farine
- 1 sachet de levure chimique
- 2 cuillers à soupe de cacao non sucré (type Van Houten) pour la pâte
- 200 à 250 g de sucre glace
- 1 blanc d'oeuf
- le jus d'1/2 citron
- Cacao noir non sucré type Van Houten
- 12 carrés de chocolat noir
- Versez votre sachet de levure et le cacao dans la farine et mélangez grossièrement.
- Mélangez les oeufs et le sucre.
- Ajoutez progressivement le beurre mou et la farine + levure + cacao. Mélangez pour avoir une texture homogène. - Préchauffez votre four à 180°C, chaleur tournante.
- Garnissez chaque alvéole de pâte. Enfournez à four chaud pour 20 minutes de cuisson.
- Laissez ensuite refroidir sur grille
Préparez votre glaçage :
Mélangez le sucre glace, le blanc d'oeuf et le jus de citron jusqu'à obtenir une consistance assez pâteuse. Tout dépend de la taille de votre blanc d'oeuf. Commencez par mettre 200g de sucre glace et si c'est encore un peu liquide, rajoutez les 50g supplémentaires.
A l'aide d'un couteau à tartiner, glacez votre premier cupcake. Saupoudrez ensuite de cacao. Utilisez une petite passoire métallique pour saupoudrer, c'est plus facile.
Enfoncez ensuite un carré de chocolat dans le gâteau et faites de même pour chaque cupcake.
Ayam Pop (a Chicken Dish)
Speak frankly, I really don't know what is the exact translation for Ayam Pop in English. Ayam means Chicken and Pop, mmm, usually we know Pop as one of music genre. maybe they name it Pop because this chicked dish very popular in Indonesia specially from West Sumatra as pop music :))
Maybe if I am not living far far away from my country, I never cooked the dish. Anytime you want it, just go to Padang Restaurant and order, sit, then eat it. so simple...But here, in Cannes, impossible! Make it your own that's the solution. Ok, why was not so difficult, trust me...yet it's delicious!
Ayam Pop
source : Dapur Mlandhing
Ingredients :
4 chicken drum stick
1 lt coconut water
2 tablespoon butter/margarine
oil for frying
Paste ingredients :
3 cloves of garlic, crushed
3 cm of fresh ginger
1/2 teaspoon pepper
1/2 teaspoon coriander
3 bay leaves
2 kafir leaves
1 lemongrass, crushed
1 teaspoon salt
chicken broth in cube, optional
Method :
Samosa Tuna
If you like to eat kind of Indian food, you must like this samosa. because for the filling, I used Garam Masala and Curry Powder plus for the hot taste, I added chopped green chili. hmmm, for me, I can eat them all!! since I am a fan of spicy food :))Normally, people make samosa's filling with Lamb, but my husband doesn't eat it, so I changed with Tuna. Honestly, I prefer Tuna rather than Lamb. It' good...Just try it!
Samosa Tuna
for 8 samosas
ingredients :
1/2 pack tuna fillet small size
1 carrot medium size, grated
2 potatoes medium size, grated
1 bot chives, finely chopped
3 green chilis, minced
3 clove of garlics, finely chopped
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon garam masala
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
oil for stir fry
spring roll pastry 25x25 cm
Direction :
filling :
- stir fry garlic and onion until fragrance
- stir in tuna fillet, continue cooking until tuna half done
- add water (about 1/2 cup), stir in carrot and potatoes grated,chives and green chilis
- add in garam masala and curry powder
- season with salt and sugar as your taste
- cook until well done
for prepare the samosa :
- Follow the instruction from this link (in Malay languange)
- deep fry the samosas until golden brown
- serve while still warm with tomato sauce or chili sauce
I used this kind of spring roll, in French you may find it at Asia Supermarché
Eat samosa at one fine afternoon, accompanied by a cup of mint tea is recommended...hmmm, write this makes me craving samosa again :)
Samosa Tuna
for 8 samosas
ingredients :
1/2 pack tuna fillet small size
1 carrot medium size, grated
2 potatoes medium size, grated
1 bot chives, finely chopped
3 green chilis, minced
3 clove of garlics, finely chopped
1/2 onion, finely chopped
1 teaspoon garam masala
1/2 teaspoon curry powder
oil for stir fry
spring roll pastry 25x25 cm
Direction :
filling :
- stir fry garlic and onion until fragrance
- stir in tuna fillet, continue cooking until tuna half done
- add water (about 1/2 cup), stir in carrot and potatoes grated,chives and green chilis
- add in garam masala and curry powder
- season with salt and sugar as your taste
- cook until well done
for prepare the samosa :
- Follow the instruction from this link (in Malay languange)
- deep fry the samosas until golden brown
- serve while still warm with tomato sauce or chili sauce
I used this kind of spring roll, in French you may find it at Asia Supermarché
Eat samosa at one fine afternoon, accompanied by a cup of mint tea is recommended...hmmm, write this makes me craving samosa again :)
dimanche 19 avril 2009
Dukung Kampanye Gerakan Anti Beli Buku Hasil Copy Paste
Sebagai bentuk peduli terhadap teman-teman foodie blogger yang hasil karyanya telah dipakai tanpa seijin mereka untuk tujuan bisnis dan komersil, dukunglah kampanye Anti Beli Buku Hasil Copy Paste. Sumber icon dari Ophoeng.
Saya sering membaca keluhan sesama foodie blogger tentang hal pembajakan resep dan foto. Ngga cuma foodie blogger Indonesia sih, pernah baca juga foodie blogger asing mengalami hal seperti ini. Sangat disayangkan ya...demi mendapatkan biaya yang seminim mungkin untuk meraup keuntungan yang tinggi mereka para pembajak asyik-asyik aja melakukan hal seperti ini. Huh..semoga ada jalan keluar yang cukup adil bagi semua pihak.
I do care with violation of copyright!!
update : per 30 April 2009 :
postingan-postingan terkait mengenai kasus pembajakan oleh CAM BOGA & Pustaka Anggrek (nama penerbitnya) :
Arfi Binsted
Budi Sutomo (blogspot)
Budi Sutomo (multiply)
Dapur Ipoek
Evi Meinar
untuk foto-foto bukunya antara lain di sini :
Foto2 Dalam Buku Resep Bajakan - buku Aneka kue kering, Aneka kue lapis
Foto-foto buku aneka jajan pasar
Foto-foto buku aneka brownies favorit
Foto-foto buku aneka puding favorit
Foto-foto buku minuman segar pelepas dahaga (penerbit Pustaka Anggrek Yogyakarta)
jeudi 2 avril 2009
Chocolate Ring Cookies
I like to bake cookies lately. Just like to experiment with variations of cookies. It call not too much egg and simple ingredients.
I found this cookies recipe from my on line friend @ multiply, she is also Indonesian. Like her blog very much...Many thank my dear Rachmah for sharing this recipe. My testimony for this cookies : very chocolaty, not too sweet and crunchy. Very recommended to try :)
This recipe makes around 50 cookies.
Chocolate Ring Cookies
(with some adjustment from me)
175 gr unsalted butter
1 egg
225 gr all purpose flour
25 gr chocolate powder
1. Beat butter and sugar powder
2. Beat in egg
3. Shift in flour and chocolate powder, mix well
4. Prepare pipping bag with the flower spuit. Make a ring shape on a baking sheet. Don't forget to give a space between the cookies.
5. Bake in 150 - 160 Celcius Degree until done. ( me : bake in 150 around 10 minutes, it depend on your oven, just watch over your cookies, do not over bake it)
(if you want : you may stick together 2 cookies with chocolate filling or ganache)
Update :
I submit first photo for Click Mei Edition : Cookies. I really enjoy challenging myself to join this food photography event hosted by Jugalbandi.
Libellés :
baking goods,
click may 09,
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